by admin | Apr 25, 2012 | eCommerce
If you own and operate a non-profit or a charity, its easier than ever to have your followers donate funds online. With a credit card in hand, people can quickly help you fund your latest cause. Yet there are rules to follow to help make your site more accessible –...
by admin | Jan 11, 2012 | eCommerce
Technology has changed the way that charities not only obtain initial donations, but how they continue to receive the help they need to thrive. Charities can use online technology in a number of ways to help them better serve their charitable recipients, as well as...
by admin | Sep 23, 2011 | eCommerce
Raising money for your cause, whatever it may be, can be difficult. By utilizing the Internet, you can help increase donations to your cause. Online fundraising takes more effort than simply adding a donate button to your site. You have to pay attention to the layout...
by admin | Aug 18, 2011 | eCommerce
When you own and operate a nonprofit organization, contributions are a part of the financial footing you need to continue operating. Every year, when it is time to determine your annual budget, you have to set some goals for contribution. These goals can be based on...
by admin | Apr 6, 2011 | Credit Card Processing
Fundraising is a part of many organizations. Schools, charities, businesses, and even individuals utilize fundraising every year. Fundraising makes it possible to reach financial goals that were once unreachable. Even with the use of nonprofit fundraising software, it...