Have good credit? Then Identity Theft Protection should be a priority for you. Planning on using your good credit to finance your small business? Take the time now to thwart identity theft, and learn key tips that will keep you from being at risk. If you have unfortunately been a victim of identity theft, it would be in your best interest to look into sites such as Brownbradshaw.com to take this case further and get you the best results from a team of criminal defense specialists. Rather than brushing over what happened, at least if you get some advice on what to do next, you can hopefully move forward with your life and put this in the past.
Identity theft can happen before you even know what is going on. Thieves can be waiting at every possible turn to steal your identity if you don’t know what to watch for. Once your identity has been stolen, a thief can quickly do serious damage. Your credit can be ruined with just a few purchases and it can take you years to get your good rating back. Nonetheless, if the damage has already been done, it is best to seek expert legal counsel from consumer law attorneys from firms such as Matthew R. Osborne (https://www.mrosbornelaw.com/) and similar others. They could guide you through the process of retrieving your identity back, and help restore your credit and other financial designations.
However, prevention is the key. Learning how to protect yourself from identity theft is your first step towards keeping your identity safe.
Shred mail before throwing it away. If your mail contains any personal information, such as a credit card bill, you need to ensure that a thief cannot read it. Thieves will go through your garbage in search of revealing information.
Pay close attention when a cashier swipes your credit card. Never let your card leave your sight. For instance, instead of giving your card to a waiter, insist on taking it to the cash register or, at the very least, accompanying the waiter to the machine.
Keep your purse close to your person when you are in public. Rather than have your strap simply slung over your shoulder, place it around your neck so that it crosses your body. This will make it harder for a thief to snatch it off your shoulder. For men, a wallet should be placed in an inside jacket pocket or a front pants pocket to deter pickpockets.
Never reveal personal information to someone you do not know. If you get a call from an alleged customer service representative, hang up. Look up the number of the business they said they were calling from, call back and let someone help you determine if it was a valid call or not. The same holds true for emails – do not click on links. Instead, visit the website yourself or call the site’s customer service department. Some emails can be very realistic, so its always better to check in first before you give away your precious information.
Monitor your information closely. Check in with your online statements every few days, espeically if you use your credit card a lot. Validate the purchases you’ve made, and immediatley call attention to errors. Determine if the error is simply “an error” or if someone else is using your account. The sooner you find it, the easier it is to correct.
Lifelock is an identity theft protection service which detects fraudulent activity for its subscribed members. If you’re interested in the service, check out the Lifelock cost.