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How Well Has the Durbin Amendment Worked So Far?

  How Well Has the Durbin Amendment Worked So Far?   As a shopper, when you swipe your debit card to make a purchase, the Durbin Amendment comes into play. Wondering what is the Durbin Amendment? A part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation in 2010,...

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Do you Really Know What Your Customers Want?

Do you Really Know What Your Customers Want? Customers are the lifeline for any business. Don't you agree? Your business revolves around them. This is why the data you collect from them should be managed in an exemplary fashion. Firstlogic might help businesses...

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Banks Must Make It Easy If They Want More Customers.

  Banks Must Make It Easy If They Want More Customers.   Banks and financial institutions are always looking to win more customers. But this isn’t an easy task. So what can banks do to create a new stream of loyal customers? It could be useful to check out customer...

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