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The Difference Between Debit and Credit Cards

In this day and age, plastic is the easiest way to pay for purchases. Plastic does not mean breaking out the poker chips from your last game or the fake money from Monopoly. In today’s world, plastic refers to using a card to easily complete the purchase. Plastic...

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A Basic Guide to Understanding eCommerce Shopping Carts

An eCommerce shopping cart is a software application that works in harmony with your website to provide an online shopping environment.  This software typically runs from the same computer that serves as your website’s server.  The intended function of a shopping...

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Why Credit Cards May Not Be In Our Future

The concept of giving customers credit is not new. Back in the late 1800’s, consumers and merchants exchanged goods by having credit coins or charge plates. Merchants would issue plates or coins made out of metal, which was embossed with the customer’s name and...

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The History of eCommerce

Have you ever heard the term ecommerce and wondered exactly what it meant and where it came from? It refers to shopping on the Internet. For anyone who owns a eCommerce business, it can be quite challenging to grow your online presence and your business overall. But...

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The History of Credit Card Terminals

If you own a business, chances are your credit card acceptance process is something you rarely think about. It’s just a part of doing business. Yet the entire process has come a long way in a short period of time. Credit card terminals now have a place on the...

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