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5 Tricks Credit Card Processors Will Use To Try and Pull You In

When choosing a credit card processor for your business, it is essential that you understand the “game”. Credit card processors want your business – and they have a few tricks up their sleeves to get it. If you know what to watch out for, you will be able to choose your processor based upon the facts, not the gimmicks. The following five tricks are some of the most common tactics used to try and nab your credit card processing business.

1. Low rates – credit card processors love to try and convince you that they have the best rates, the lowest rates, the most amazing rates you will ever find. They will tell you how many hundreds and thousands of dollars you can save with their company – but they have no way of knowing this without looking at your merchant statements. Don’t fall for the promise of a “better tomorrow” – do your research and choose the company with the rates that match your needs.

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Online and Mobile Security Tips

Much of our daily business no longer requires personal interaction.  Many businesses, including banks, now offer electronic transaction opportunities.  But while it may be extremely convenient to use your Blackberry to check your banking balance and your laptop to...

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How to Use Technology to Thank Online Donors

Technology has changed the way that charities not only obtain initial donations, but how they continue to receive the help they need to thrive. Charities can use online technology in a number of ways to help them better serve their charitable recipients, as well as...

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Six Ways To Meet PCI Security Standards

As a business owner, you have your hand in just about everything. From marketing, to customer service, to janitorial duties, every day brings a new challenge. Whether you accept credit cards within your brick and mortar business, or make your money through an online...

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