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Visa to Become More User Friendly

Visa to Become More User Friendly after Eliminating Half of its Operating Rules. On Oct. 1st we will be eliminating close to half of our operating rules. This includes reducing the complexity of our dispute-resolution processes. - Charles W. Schraf - CEO, Visa  ...

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Top 10 Payment Events of 2013

Here are the Top 10 Payment Events of 2013 shared by the Portals and Rails research team from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. 10. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalized Dodd-Frank 1073 money transfer rules. 9. The payments industry experienced...

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Remotely Created Checks May Be Banned Soon

Remotely created checks may be banned soon because of high cases of fraud The Federal Trade Commission wants to ban some payment methods that are being used by legitimate telemarketers as well as fraudsters. The FTC is doing so because of high rates of fraud involving...

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Efforts to reduce credit card fraud need help

Efforts to reduce credit card fraud through the greater adoption of EMV cards needs help As I had highlighted in my earlier post here, upgraded credit cards or EMV credit cards would reduce credit card fraud greatly. However, the adoption for EMV cards has been...

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